Error 404. Myths, motives and solutions

Over time, at least once, you have been hit by error 404, but what does this error mean? 

An HTTP 404 or “file not found” error is that the permanent code that the server hosting your site returns to the user's browser that is trying to access a specific URL of your domain that. As a result of the problem, cannot be found and therefore no content is displayed to the visitor. 
In other words, the page to which the URL is addressed does not exist because of a broken link, because the URL syntax is wrong or because this page does not exist directly. 
We should never forget that any element or character of a web address that does not match the original correctly will send users errors. Thus, if this address does not exist, this warning will be generated. 

Why does a 404 not found error occurs? 

  • The URL was typed incorrectly 
  • Site content has been deleted 
  • The URL has been changed 
  • You have accessed an old link to a page that no longer exists 
  • There are server problems and the site is not working properly 
  • There is a possibility of a broken connection 
  • The links are posted incorrectly 
  • Links have been posted incorrectly on their own site 
  • The requested domain name no longer exists 

Myth 404 
Some foreign sources interpret the combination of 404 figures somewhat. In particular, it is claimed that the main database of the CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Scientific Center, which took the most active participation in the development of the Worldwide Web, was on the 4th floor in room No 404.  And when the amount of data that is processed exceeds certain rules, does not allow more scientists to access the same file at the same time, the alleged developers decided to issue an error message “room 404: Not found”. 

How to fix error 404 

  1. Refresh the page
     Doesn't always happen, but sometimes you may encounter a 404-page error without finding it while trying to access a web page. There may be many reasons for this, even if there is no more real problem.  In such a case, simply refreshing can solve the problem and load the correct page. This can be done quite easily using Ctrl + F5 function keys. Alternatively, go to the address bar of your browser and click the Refresh button. However, it does not always solve the problem, but because it takes quite a little time, you may try it. 
  2. Verify if there are errors in the URL
    Sometimes, a 404 Page was not found error may also occur due to using the wrong URL. Therefore, make sure that the URL you entered the address bar is correct. Mistyped may also be the wrong place of the oblique bars back and forth in the URL address bar. So, check the URL correctly and then open the page again. In the snapshot above, you can see that the URL is wrong in writing and that leads to the Page error was not found. 
  3. Delete the browser cache and cookies
    If you can access the site from other devices and the problem is visible only with your computer, the error may occur due to the cache available on your device. In this case, you must delete your default browser cache and cookies. Deleting the cache and cookies will not have an effect on your browsing experience. However, some sites may take a few seconds for the loading process. This is because it should download the data from the cache again. 

Stay safe! 

Error 404. Myths, motives and solutions